Saint Luke’s Place Receives $7,348.40 Donation from the Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command Charitable Foundation
Saint Luke’s Place recently received a generous donation of $7,348.40 from the Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command Charitable Foundation. This funding was used to fully support a new resident lift for long-term care.
On Wednesday, January 15, members of Royal Canadian Legion Branch #126 and #272 presented Saint Luke’s Place with a cheque from the Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Provincial Command Branches and Ladies’ Auxiliaries Charitable Foundation.
“On behalf of the Residents, Staff, Tenants, Management, and Board of Directors at Saint Luke’s Place, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to The Royal Canadian Legion for their kindness,” shared Amy Ross, Director of Fundraising and Development. “The Royal Canadian Legion Charitable Foundation has a strong legacy of investments in quality local healthcare. We are grateful for the continued support it has received over time from Ontario Command and local branches Hespeler (272), Preston (126), and Galt (121).”
The Royal Canadian Legion, through its Ontario Provincial Command Branches and Ladies’ Auxiliaries Charitable Foundation, accepts applications for its equipment grants each April. Organizations can receive funding for approved projects once every two out of three years. This year marks the first year since 2020 that Saint Luke’s Place has applied for and been awarded this grant. The Charitable Foundation supports local hospitals, long-term care homes, and medical facilities with essential medical equipment.
“Donations such as these are the direct result of the hard work of the branches and the ladies auxiliary of Ontario Command,” said Jon Corbett, District C Charitable Foundation Director. “They are to be applauded and thanked for their hard work within their communities respectively. To Saint Luke’s Place, you are most welcome, and I hope to be of assistance again in the future.”
Left to Right,
Back Row: David Bakker, Chief Executive Officer – Saint Luke’s Place; Bill Kalbhenn, CD. Branch Veteran Service Officer – Branch 272 Hespeler
Front Row: Mirielle Tessier, Director of Nursing – Saint Luke’s Place; Joe Gowing, President – Branch 126 Preston; Terry Smith, Branch Veteran Service Officer – Branch 126 Preston; Eric Ross, Chair – District C; Amy Ross, Director of Fundraising and Development – Saint Luke’s Place; Sue Maltby, President – Branch 272 Hespeler Ladies Auxiliary.