Stan Jones
Stan Jones, a Chatham, Ontario native, attended the University of Guelph, receiving an Honours BA in Geography and then a B.Ed from the University of Western Ontario. Stan taught at Galt Collegiate Institute for 14 years and for 16 years at Southwood Secondary, retiring in June of 2003. Stan has been a long-time member of St. Andrew’s Hespeler Presbyterian Church, where he served as an Elder for 29 years, and a Board member for over 20. He joined the Saint Luke’s Place Board in 2009 acting as Chair of the Board in 2014-2015. Stan has taken on various leadership roles with the Rotary Club of Cambridge North and the University of Waterloo Earth Science Museum Board of Directors. He is presently President of the Preston Lawn Bowling Club and the Kitchener-Waterloo Gem and Mineral Club.
Saint Luke's 50/50 Draw